Saturday, March 31, 2012

Lous weight and Ritilin

Took Lou to the doctor yesterday for his hyperness. They said he does deffniately have ADHD. and wants to put him on medicine. So they prescribed him Ritalin for 5 mgs. We are suppost to give him half of a pill at breakfast and half of a pill at lunch so its 2.5 mgs twice a day for a week. Starting next Saturday we give him a whole pill twice a day so we're booting it up to 5 mgs twice a day.
This week at school has been a A OK week not the best thou. several reds and a couple yellows. but Friday was a Green day:)
Yesterday we went to the dollar tree and picked up stickers and fruit snacks and if he be good during the day he gets a pack of snacks and a sticker:)

Weight for 3-31-2012 ::::: 101.6

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