Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Update time♥

Lou is doing really good, No headaches and no vomiting so that is really good! Yeserday -31st of july- he was EXTREMELY HYPER and didnt want to listen to anybody, hes goin thru another 'testing" stages and this is the worst yet :/  He also ate ALOT yesterday, not to sure why but he did, he wanted to eat every hour, hour and a half, its like he's not gettin the full sensation.
Yesterday he also seen his recent psychiatrist therapist and she said hes doin extremely well♥ and that since he is getting to get to go to the school next to the house and no the one all the way down in downtown that she is no longer going to be able to see him :( A new therapist is going to be seeing him said she's real nice♥ so not looking forward of starting all over again with a new therapist but we got to do what hwe have to do. Maybe Lou will adjust well.
Lou is now on Methephenidate for his Adhd and we love it! He went from Ritalin to Methephenidate to Concerta to back on Methephenidate.
Reasons why he changed :
  • Ritalin- His anxiety was 110 % worst and it was just terriable.
  • Methephenidate- it works wonders but doesn't last long.
  • Concerta- Miracle pill BUT kept him up at night til like midnight, we were not goin to put him on a sleeping pill ! 
The reason we went back to methephenidate is because we can handle him at home after the pill is out of his system, its like some traces is still in him and it holds his hyperness down just where hes not driving his self and myself crazy♥
 So thats the upset On Mr Lou :)

Lou is also 99 lbs and standing at 4 ft 3 inches.

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