September 18th, 2012
Everyone please keep Lou in your prayers♥
He complained this morning that his shunt was burning and the shunt
area is very sensitive :/ ( i couldnt even wash his hair normal this
morning) . Momma called the neurosurgeons nurse and she said she has not
heard anyone with a shunt saying it has ever burned, And to keep an eye
on him and call them back if it happens again. She said we dont want to
just assume its something but to look out for other signs like fever,
vomiting, and headaches. Thanks so much♥♥
September 19th 2012
just about 36 hours since momma has called
Lous neurosurgeon and He hasnt had NO more burning♥ YAY :) shunt is
still sensitive thou BUT i was able to wash his hair like i normally
would. Maybe me and momma does have to worry about something other then a
Stomach virus or a simple little cold but worrying over something that
could cause him to have to have immediately surgery 36 hours prior to
Not have a worry in the world is simply AMAZING♥ And Sam had a WONDERFUL
day today knowing that His big brother is ok :)
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Monday, September 3, 2012
one weird Bad Headache.
Well Lou had a bad headache today but it was weird how it happened.
We went to the store momma got out of the store *it was raining and with mine and lous bad balance didnt wont to risk it* And about 2 mins after momma went into the store Lou starts screaming and it gently went down to a little whining. We live about 9 and a half minutes away from the store and he whined about his head hurting the whole 15 minutes. The weird part is that he was fine and dandy when he got out of the car. It was strange to me. He has NEVER done that before. He was acting like he does when his shunt malfunctions but he never once got sick.
But right now he is asleep, and comfortable as can be♥ went to sleep about 8 25 EST
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Lous appointment August 8th 2012
Lous appointment :)
They changed his setting to 200 and it was 190, his shunt is still pumping to fast even with the shunt assistance. His ventricles are really small BUT the neurosurgeon assitance said that shes really surprised because normally every thing gets really sticky but his isnt :) So got some good news and some bad news today but good thing is it isnt severe so go back in a year if everything goes smooth from here to then♥
They changed his setting to 200 and it was 190, his shunt is still pumping to fast even with the shunt assistance. His ventricles are really small BUT the neurosurgeon assitance said that shes really surprised because normally every thing gets really sticky but his isnt :) So got some good news and some bad news today but good thing is it isnt severe so go back in a year if everything goes smooth from here to then♥
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Update time♥
Lou is doing really good, No headaches and no vomiting so that is really good! Yeserday -31st of july- he was EXTREMELY HYPER and didnt want to listen to anybody, hes goin thru another 'testing" stages and this is the worst yet :/ He also ate ALOT yesterday, not to sure why but he did, he wanted to eat every hour, hour and a half, its like he's not gettin the full sensation.
Yesterday he also seen his recent psychiatrist therapist and she said hes doin extremely well♥ and that since he is getting to get to go to the school next to the house and no the one all the way down in downtown that she is no longer going to be able to see him :( A new therapist is going to be seeing him said she's real nice♥ so not looking forward of starting all over again with a new therapist but we got to do what hwe have to do. Maybe Lou will adjust well.
Lou is now on Methephenidate for his Adhd and we love it! He went from Ritalin to Methephenidate to Concerta to back on Methephenidate.
Reasons why he changed :
So thats the upset On Mr Lou :)
Lou is also 99 lbs and standing at 4 ft 3 inches.
Yesterday he also seen his recent psychiatrist therapist and she said hes doin extremely well♥ and that since he is getting to get to go to the school next to the house and no the one all the way down in downtown that she is no longer going to be able to see him :( A new therapist is going to be seeing him said she's real nice♥ so not looking forward of starting all over again with a new therapist but we got to do what hwe have to do. Maybe Lou will adjust well.
Lou is now on Methephenidate for his Adhd and we love it! He went from Ritalin to Methephenidate to Concerta to back on Methephenidate.
Reasons why he changed :
- Ritalin- His anxiety was 110 % worst and it was just terriable.
- Methephenidate- it works wonders but doesn't last long.
- Concerta- Miracle pill BUT kept him up at night til like midnight, we were not goin to put him on a sleeping pill !
So thats the upset On Mr Lou :)
Lou is also 99 lbs and standing at 4 ft 3 inches.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Lous weight and Ritilin
Took Lou to the doctor yesterday for his hyperness. They said he does deffniately have ADHD. and wants to put him on medicine. So they prescribed him Ritalin for 5 mgs. We are suppost to give him half of a pill at breakfast and half of a pill at lunch so its 2.5 mgs twice a day for a week. Starting next Saturday we give him a whole pill twice a day so we're booting it up to 5 mgs twice a day.
This week at school has been a A OK week not the best thou. several reds and a couple yellows. but Friday was a Green day:)
Yesterday we went to the dollar tree and picked up stickers and fruit snacks and if he be good during the day he gets a pack of snacks and a sticker:)
This week at school has been a A OK week not the best thou. several reds and a couple yellows. but Friday was a Green day:)
Yesterday we went to the dollar tree and picked up stickers and fruit snacks and if he be good during the day he gets a pack of snacks and a sticker:)
Weight for 3-31-2012 ::::: 101.6
Friday, March 16, 2012
Well today is 3-16-2012 and let me tell you Lou has been doin so good for the last week. I havent updated his blog because honestly he was being the same kept getin red and yellow at school and i really dont want to document his bad behavior. But condafind out his teacher was allowin him to use a IPAD2 which is a BIG NO NO but as soon as we found out we stopped them. The IPAD 2 will mess with his shunt and cause him to act really different. but this past week he has been nothing but good at school and i am SOO proud of him. So GOOD JOB LOU!
Sunday, February 19, 2012
feb 18th and 19th
Lou has been SOOO loveable these past 2 days:) I love it! Hard to believe hes being loveable. hes normally so mean! Onthe 18th we layed on the couch for about a hour or close to it:) Hes came up to me several times and wanted a hug. AHH I love when hes so loveable:)
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Lou 2-16-2012
Well Lou had a BAD day today at school :( His teacher said he was super hyper would not listen and didnt follow directions the entire day! He Cursed me this morning and i told his teacher and was not very happy about it And it made Lou very dissappointed in his self. Im really hoping Lou will become better at being his self and quit being so "bad" Iknow he cant help it but something hast to give.
I also made Lou tell Mrs. Duncan that he was sorry how he acted toward her and the other teachers today. So that was a start.
Lou ate 2 salads when he got home so that was good for him. He LOVED them :)
I also made Lou tell Mrs. Duncan that he was sorry how he acted toward her and the other teachers today. So that was a start.
Lou ate 2 salads when he got home so that was good for him. He LOVED them :)
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Feb 6-8th.
Well what to say for this week. We have been to the ER to back home and played sickness all week. and its only Wednesday!
Monday Lou went to school. It was like no other school day. We picked Lou up from school and His Teacher said that He didnt feel to good and she asked him what was wrong and he said that his "Tummy Hurts" Well we get home and as soon as he gets out of the car he VOMITS EVERYWHERE! But its not a normal vomit! it honesly looked like a "waterfall" vomit. It was SCAREY! So we take him to the ER and they tell us that his shunt and the tubin is fine PRAISE GOD! We get back home and hes fine:) Tuesday we get up and he goes to school and they have to move his "car" to yellow:( He did not want to listen at all. Wednesday was the same. still didnt want to listen Then later on that evening He gets sick and his bowels is really loosey fied, And says I think im gettin the stomach virus. He JUST got over the stomach virus. Hope hes not catching it again:)
Lets see what the rest of the week has in store for Lou:)
Monday Lou went to school. It was like no other school day. We picked Lou up from school and His Teacher said that He didnt feel to good and she asked him what was wrong and he said that his "Tummy Hurts" Well we get home and as soon as he gets out of the car he VOMITS EVERYWHERE! But its not a normal vomit! it honesly looked like a "waterfall" vomit. It was SCAREY! So we take him to the ER and they tell us that his shunt and the tubin is fine PRAISE GOD! We get back home and hes fine:) Tuesday we get up and he goes to school and they have to move his "car" to yellow:( He did not want to listen at all. Wednesday was the same. still didnt want to listen Then later on that evening He gets sick and his bowels is really loosey fied, And says I think im gettin the stomach virus. He JUST got over the stomach virus. Hope hes not catching it again:)
Lets see what the rest of the week has in store for Lou:)
Thursday, February 2, 2012
STUPID COLD:: 2-1-2012 and 2-2-2012
Lous cold is literally kicking his tail in. He layed down yesterday at about 5 30 and got up at ablout 6 45. If he wasnt sick i wouldve swore up and down the shunt was goin out again but since he has the cold, No worries:)
This morning on the 2nd Lous attitude was terriable. He keeps on saying phrases he knows he isnt suppost to, like " Dont tell me what to do" Im gonna smack you in the face" etc etc etc. But as soon as he got at school his attitude changed COMPLETELY. Im really hopin his attitude changes by the time we have to pick him up from school:) Meanwhile i'll be back later tonight to tell ya what he does this afternoon:)
This morning on the 2nd Lous attitude was terriable. He keeps on saying phrases he knows he isnt suppost to, like " Dont tell me what to do" Im gonna smack you in the face" etc etc etc. But as soon as he got at school his attitude changed COMPLETELY. Im really hopin his attitude changes by the time we have to pick him up from school:) Meanwhile i'll be back later tonight to tell ya what he does this afternoon:)
Monday, January 30, 2012
playing outside in january equals sickness:(
The title explains it all:( Saturday lou and sam wanted to play outside since it was nearly 65 degrees. We really didnt want them to but it was just a pretty day outside. Rarely ever does SC get a beautiful day in the winter so we gave in. Sunday morning you could tell he was starting to get sick but no symptoms just the "look" in his eyes.
This morning (Monday 1-30-2012) He woke up at 5:30 but fell back to sleep watching Barney. And then woke again at 6:15 when my alarm clock went off he didnt want to get up at all. We layed down til 6:35 and then i finally got up and got his clothes up and shoes and brace together. While i was putting on his shoes he did NOT want to partisipate at all he just wanted to lay there which is NOT like Lou at all. After i fixed his breakfast he told me "Sissy im sick i dont want to go to school" so i told him " Well we're going to take you but if your teacher feels like we have to come get you then we will ok" and with a sad little face he said "ok"
On the way to school he ate his breakfast like normally and then after he put his head on my shoulder which is DEFFNIATELY NOT LIKE LOU. and then once we passed his old school which is like 7 mins before his school he tells me again "i dont wanna go to school" It was sad :/ But as soon as we got to school the bell rung and he spurted on up:) So hopefully he'll be a brand new feelin good Lou:)
This morning (Monday 1-30-2012) He woke up at 5:30 but fell back to sleep watching Barney. And then woke again at 6:15 when my alarm clock went off he didnt want to get up at all. We layed down til 6:35 and then i finally got up and got his clothes up and shoes and brace together. While i was putting on his shoes he did NOT want to partisipate at all he just wanted to lay there which is NOT like Lou at all. After i fixed his breakfast he told me "Sissy im sick i dont want to go to school" so i told him " Well we're going to take you but if your teacher feels like we have to come get you then we will ok" and with a sad little face he said "ok"
On the way to school he ate his breakfast like normally and then after he put his head on my shoulder which is DEFFNIATELY NOT LIKE LOU. and then once we passed his old school which is like 7 mins before his school he tells me again "i dont wanna go to school" It was sad :/ But as soon as we got to school the bell rung and he spurted on up:) So hopefully he'll be a brand new feelin good Lou:)
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Sunday 1-29-2012
Today was truly awesome for Lou:) Uncle Gary and Aunt Samantha and Cousin Cody James came over today for a little while and believe it or not he did really good. He pinced twice (alot better then normal) and pitched a fit once. Toward the end of the day when Uncle Gary and them were leaving. Lou Sam and Cody was playing with each other and omgosh it was so cute:) then They left and Lou was still doing good he was watching Godzillia with Sam on the xbox while momma was resting. After momma left to go to work Lou got on the computer for me to wash Dishes and Sam was on the xbox. And then after i was done washing the dishes, i told Lou come on time for yal to switch and by 8:30 he was out like a bulb:) Came in here and Sam was out to. Lou is still sleepin and havent woken up once yet and it is 11 34 pm. So today was a LOT better then last 2 weeks. Lets hope tomorrow is just as good:)
Saturday, January 28, 2012
week of 1-22/1-28-2012
This week Lou has had a hard time of listening. He has had mulitiple outbreaks of wanting to hit,pinch, and bite. Lou has played alot more then usual thou. He still loves his music and he has not fell down as much.
Monday the 23rd he bumped his head while in Physical Therapy. We were really worried about him because the first time his shunt went out is because he bumped his head. The following day Tuesday he was real tired and very irritable but later on that day he perked on up:)So that was a real good sign. The rest of the week he was his regular ol self Lou.
On Friday Amber and CLint came over with Gabby and Alex and he had a ball playing with other kids other then his little brother Sam. Lou and Alex listened to his DVD player and watched Rugrats goes Wild on Netflix.
Monday the 23rd he bumped his head while in Physical Therapy. We were really worried about him because the first time his shunt went out is because he bumped his head. The following day Tuesday he was real tired and very irritable but later on that day he perked on up:)So that was a real good sign. The rest of the week he was his regular ol self Lou.
On Friday Amber and CLint came over with Gabby and Alex and he had a ball playing with other kids other then his little brother Sam. Lou and Alex listened to his DVD player and watched Rugrats goes Wild on Netflix.
The story of Lou
Lou was born on Jan 10, 2006. He gave momma the worst labor that she went thru. He was delivered twice. And the cord was wrapped around his neck. so not only did he have fluid on his brain but he was blue, daddy said he looked like a blue berry and his head felt like a water balloon. 3 days later he went under surgery for his 1st shunt Mclanahan didnt know what to think about him. He said we need to watch him carefully bc he honestly didnt know if my little brother was gonna make it or not. at 2 months he started goin to his eye doctor. said he had a little stignatism and he wanted to put glasses on him but since he was little he said it was to early. months he started seein his EIP : Stacy . She helped him get up to some potencial but he still wasnt rolling over. he scooted with ONE arm, he doesnt use his right arm. at 13 months he started goin to therapy over at touch stone therapy for PT. Then a few months later when a spot for OT came in he started it then. And then later on Speech. when Lou was 17 months old Sam was born we still wasnt gettin no where He had to be carried everywhere. His terriable 2s started coming in and lets not forget about his 15 month molars. He was wanting to start potty training then to. but he couldnt walk. so at 22 months His PT said lets put him in a leg brace to strengthen up his right leg and with in a week he started pulling up. with in 2 weeks he started takin baby steps in another 2 weeks he was walkin full speed, falling but he was walking. His therapist was proud and me and momma was proud. at age 3 he started school with Mrs. Charity and Miss. Mona at Child Development center. they wanted to put him in another brace so we got his pediatrictian to write a prescription for it. It said Cebral Right Hempistere on it. This is when we found out he had a touch of cebral Palsy. Dont know much about it but him not liking crowds and loving water so much made some since now. But everyone at CDC feel inlove with lou. They loved him they said he brightens their day. :) then Feb in 2009 Lou expeirenced the worst headache someone could get. He screamed for 15-20 mins straight he vomited clear watery puke. Called momma took em up to CMC and found out his shunt has gone out. hour later he was in emergency surgery to get his pain and get a new shunt in him. recovery went great came back home. Then in 4 months He had another episode. momma got home rushed him back up to the er. this time it wasnt that bad bc we caught it as soon as it was goin out. so the next morning he had another surgery. Recovery went great and they also put in a shunt assistatnce in to let it pump slower and not work so hard. So ya see Lou has been thru sooo much but he doesnt let anything get him down. you have to have patience and be gentle and love him everyday all day. Hes a 6 yr old with a mind of a 3 yr old. Alot of people dont understand him and alot of people looks at him thinkin gosh he needs some discipline but what they dont know is that hes not your average 6 yr old. Hes a special needs special special yr old. If you read this it'll mean alot so maybe next time you see a child that you think needs some discipline look at them 2 before you judge them. listen to the way they scream, their body frame and even how they talk, or in lous place the way the head is shaped. Some kids cant help how they act. Lou is a 6 yr old with hydrocephalus, cebral palsy, limp in his right leg, dont use his right arm, has stigmatism and on top of all that He has ADHD. I thank God for my miraclle little brother I love you Loubird!
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