Tuesday, December 9, 2014

New Pics Of Lou !

Lous EEG is thursday on the 11th !

So Lou has his EEG Thursday morning for his absent seizures. and hes really excited about it. not about the EEG thou. He's excited because the doctor told us he needs to stay up til atleast 11oclock and up by 4. And i told him 2 nights ago that he gets to stay up until momma gets home. So now he keeps asking 'so i get to stay up tomorrow night and do whatever i want right?' or 'is tomorrow here yet i want to stay up and do whatever i want' and keeps saying 'i get to do whatever i want tomorrow night don't i Amy' hes tickled to pieces he gets to stay up late. but he doesnt want to stay up on the weekends. Go figure that one out.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Absent siezures OH NO !

Two weeks ago Lou started having very noticeable absent seizures. He's always had them but they are starting to get stronger and lasting just a little bit longer. The next day me and momma asked his teacher if they have noticed him 'spacing out' and her answer was 'no but we'll keep an eye on him and if he does they'll send a note home' well 2 days ago we got a note saying he 'Lou spaced out a few times but he had a wonderful day' and at this point its got me worried since his teachers are noticing it now. so i called lous doctor and talked to his nurse and told them about him having the stronger seziures and asked them 'how bad do they have to be to get seen' and her exact answer was 'he needs to be seen as soon as possible'. So yesterday we took him to the doctor and Dr Goodbar said from what we are seeing and describing his episodes are indeed absent seizures. He has scheduled him to have a EEG on December 11th and he goes to see a neurologist on December 30th and we'll know more then

Dr Goodbar doesnt see it neccessary to put him on antiseizure medicine yet but he said it probably will happen in the future.

So i ask everyone to PLEASE keep this boogerbutt in your prayers. Hes been thru so much already in his short 8 years of life.

But what we do know is that Dr Mclanahans office doesnt think its his shunt and they do agree that the best place to start is getting a EEG and getting it looked at by a neurologist.

Seizures CANNOT hurt you! They're just very scarey.

My nerves are shocked to pieces i really do not want Lou to go thru Seizures i'm not ready for this, but then again i wasnt ready for him to have 2 shunt malfunctions either. So with prayer and faith i know that we can get thru this with him !

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Super moon ??! ADHD medicine??!

don't know if it's this super moon or the fact Lou didn't have his ADHD medicine until 1oclock due to going to a baby shower to [help] control his anxiety but it's keeping this child up. Either way I'm not liking it. He has never stayed up to almost midnight besides with a shunt malfunction !

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Hope this is nothing !

Ok so during the past week Lou has been acting a little strange. Last Sunday he projectiled vomit twice. One at 7 15 and then again at 7 45. Then on Tuesday he slept from 4:30 to 8 and then went back to sleep at 10:30 and slept all the way to 8 o'clock the next morning. And then slept again like that Friday evening but woke up at 4:30 am. 
This Sunday morning he bumped his left side if his head on the church pew. He didn't mean to but it wasn't on the side of the shunt. The shunt is on his right side. And he took a nap yesterday (monday) for about a hour hour and a half. somewhere between there. He went to sleep at about 10:45 last night and woke up at about 6:45 this morning. 
I'm really hoping this is just nothing but I dunno. Keeping my fingers crossed and my hope and faith high as they can possibly go. 

Oh and he made it to 4 years surgery freon the 5th of June :) we are at 4 years and almost 3 weeks post op. So exciting. 

Friday, April 11, 2014

update on Lou and his ADHD.

So lou had his appointment for his adhd last monday [I'm late i know] ---AnYwHo--- He had it last monday and they are wanting to try a fast release on him in the afternoon. he is up 133 lbs at just 8 years old :/ and the time before that he was 115 back in November when they checked him for his reflux. They are wanting to try and calm down his eating and possibility loose some weight. they wouldnt be worried about his weight but his blood pressure was a little high this time around while the last time it was in the normal range. They said that since it is a fast relief that it shouldnt keep him up at night time. Momma asked that because me and her both don't want to put him on a sleeping pill. we won't him to be able to go to sleep on his own and they said since it is a fast relief it shouldnt keep him up:) it will rare off so he can be a normal child and run off his energy ! but thats his update for April 11th 2014 :)

Special Olympics 2014 Rock Hill area 11

Today Was Special Olympics and Lou did an AMAZING JOB at all of it :) They signed him up for Softball throw and 50 meter dash/run. He tied in FIRST PLACE for the softball throw and did 5th place for the 50 meter run. and then after all that they had lunch and then played around some and then went on home. They really truly had a blast and heres some pictures to go along with it ! 
 Lou And his Class <3

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Lou noticed his scar !!

So tonight while I was laying the boys down  Lou noticed his shunt scar from the tubing. He has a tendency to rub his stomach while he goes to sleep. Well here's the conversations :) 

It was hilarious !!

Lou: Amy what is this ?!

Me: what is what??

Lou: this on my stomach WHAT IS THIS?

Me: (with my flashlight on my phone on and laughing) that's your scar from your shunt surgery.

This kid just now noticed his scar from his surgery. And it's goin on 4 years old come June !