Monday, January 5, 2015

Neurologist appointment!

Last Tuesday Lou had his Neurologist appointment to discuss his EEG results that he had back in Early December. Dr Livingston said that they are POTENTIAL seizures, meaning they could be but we are not to sure. He is Very high to have them thou. Since he hasnt had one in about a week or so he wants us to try to record them when he has his 'episodes' and if they do continue or start to pick up again he wants us to admit him into the hospital for about 2 days so they can do a Video EEG. but the only way that will be certain for us to catch them then is if we keep him up like we did for the EEG. 
He did look at his CT Scans from his infant years and his most recent ones from 2 years ago and he said he is doing amazingly good! He complmented on us saying we doing a Excellent job with him. 
According to Dr Livingston he is not suppost to be doing everything he does from the reads of the scans. So that itself is a BLESSING. 
but if they are still continuing with in a year then we go back. or if they start getting closer together or start getting stronger for any reason then he wants Lou to be seen right away. 
Just keep Lou in your prayers as hopefully this is the last of our Journey with petite Mal seizures then rather it be just the beginning! Thankyal so much !