Friday, August 23, 2013

2nd grade here we come !

Guess who got got bragged on today by his teachers  Thats right! Lou did  So so so proud of him! His teachers told momma yesterday that he is the most well mannered 7 year old they have ever seen! Said he is way beyond their expectations. His main teacher said even in the halls and the cafeteria he always says "yes maam' no maam" thankyou" "your welcome" Yes i am a VERY PROUD Sister !

Lou had a wonderful day today at home AND at school today. SO proud of him! 
Lous teacher did say that she is not pleased with his IEP Goals and outcome so she is going to watch him for another week and then do some changes to his iep chart. I see this kid gettin good reports and outstanding results this school year ! really looking forward to see where this school year takes Lou !

Thursday, August 1, 2013

August 16th

So August 16th can not come fast enough! What is so important about the 16th?! Well it's Lou's neurosurgeon appointment:) get to find out if he is still over draining and to make sure everything is still alrite with him :) a little exciting if you ask me :). The picture was just taken while he is asleep at 10 05 pm August 1st :) and the other one was taking on July 26th on vacation this year :)