It started right after before the solar storm started. Lou complained about headaches, being tired and even throwing up. the throwing up was from a stomach bug but everything else i believe is from the solar storm.
well that was before this past week and this week (today)
Lou has being very weird these past two weeks. and i dont take "weird" litely when it comes to him. I mean he'll be extremely hyper and then suddenly bolt back down and pratically fall asleep (he did take 45 min nap today he hasnt done that since he was like 3-4.
I dont want to be scared about it but i honestly dont know what todo when it comes to him. i know that all i can do is PRAYand keep my faith in him always.
please keep lou in your prayers and we will of course keep yal updated on how our hydrowarrier was with him :)
Once again another headache. Not as bad as yesterdays but i dont like it in the least. Sometimes i wonder 'Why cant i just have to worry about a silly little cold or Silly ol virus ?! ' but then i come to senses this little boy is much much stronger then that. hes my lil fighter and my aggravating lil brother. Yes i would love for him to be 'normal' but hes my rock and my Hero. Hes been thru so much and still striving like nothing is happening and whats 'unfair' to some is 'normal' for him.