im so tired of seeing posts that says "ADHD isnt real" or my new favorite one "When i was a kid there was no such thing as a behavioral problem they were called a spoiled little brat"
Well heres the thing. The reason why there wasnt no such thing as ADHD is because IT DIDNT EXIST. so yes it wasnt there. BECAUSE they didnt find it until the late 1980s, yes they can PROVE that adhd is real and that a child has it based on a Brain Scan.
Now the behavioral problem:: If there wasnt such a thing called a behavioral problem then tell me why a NONADHD person can take ridilin or methlyphenidate or any other adhd medicine, and it treats em like they are on crack or coke or another speed drug. but when a person who has ADHD take the adhd prescribed medication it slows them down.Or a adhd person can drink a cup of coffee or can take caffiene or eat sugar (you know the stuff that is suppost to speed you up) it normally slows them down......
Now why it aggravates ME!!
When your youst to having around a happy smiley child you know everything is ok. You literally have no worries. But what if that child somehow wakes up one morning and gets frustrated over the littlest thing. If they drop a cup of milk, spill a bowel of cereal, or well just busts out crying for no reason what so ever.And yes the two above they happen before the crying meltdown. Sometimes you can not cheer them up with in 20 secs. its not a "stop or imma give you something to cry about" or something else along them lines. They can not help it. It scares them. and what about for the ones who has more then ADHD ?! you know that thing called Anxiety. or another indivisible illness.
If you see a child going into a meltdown or throwing a fit. walk up to them. sometimes it can take the littlest thing to throw a child out of a meltdown. or to calm their fears.
I remember and i still have to tell lou this when we walk into walmart "Nobody is going to hurt you, if they do you have the permission to slap them" or i'll tell him that i will slap them. and then he'll start to smile because he knows everything is ok. When you see us inside of Walmart he is NOT walking hes sitting in the "car buggy' as he calls it. it secures him. and sometimes hes on my phone listening to music and yes sometimes hes singing along and sometimes im singing right there with him.
Adhd is rough and Anxiety is tough but its worth it. When you let the little one know everything is ok and even strangers comes up and see whats going on and (normally its the older generation to come up because they know that something isnt right) it lets both parties sees the blessing that comes with it.
Lou is 9 years old who gets confused with being a 12 or 13 year old. hes talks like a 15 year old but has the mind as a 2-3 year old and he is my world Along with my other little brother Sam. Sam does VERY good with him, you'll even hear Sam (who is 8) tell him "Its ok Lou i wont let no one hurt you" Sam will comfort him when he can tell something isnt right. When the adhd is kicking in.
Adhd isnt just about being hyper. Its about being hyper, wanting attention and not just wanting it but NEEDS it. he thrives on it. and it helps with the invisible illness. Lou will also find comfort in sitting on the floor inside of a grocery store when they dont have the "car buggy" so if you see us inside of a store and were stopped in a aisle 9 out of 10 times you will see him sitting on the floor. And when you see a child sitting on the floor dont say "eww thats gross they shouldnt let their child sit on it" Well guess what IF IT COMFORTS THEM LEAVE THEM BE !!! sitting on the floor never hurt nobody. as long as the child isnt sitting in harms way then its alright.
This post is longer then what i planned on but thats ok.I hope everyone gets a little insite on ADHD and i hope you dont judge a child so quick next time you see a child not acting right in public. Theres a difference in a child with adhd and a child that isnt adhd. Sometimes you can tell the difference and sometimes you cant. Just dont judge the child. As a cashier and as someone who lives and takes care of a special needs adhd little boy a person judging a child or says "if that child was mine...." it irritates me so bad and all i can say is "i dont judge kids and most of the time they ask why and i tell them and they understand. but judging a child it just shouldnt happen.